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No Fuss Specialist


Get a grip on where things are at now, and have the freedom to decide how to proceed.

How do things look right now? Maybe you’re not sure whether there’s a problem in your Xero file or not. Or you just want some peace of mind things are okay.

We’ll review your Xero file at a transaction level and report back on the general condition of your data, listing issues/concerns and opportunities.

Xero Rescue

Turbo charge your Xero so you can make faster decisions with more confidence.

You’re pretty sure your Xero file has some issues. Maybe you’re tired of never being confident in your data. Knowing what was wrong is important, but you recognise there’s efficiency achieved in fixing things as we go.

We’ll perform the Baseline service, plus fix the issues we find as we go, to the extent that’s possible / practicable.


Deep dive into your data by an independent third party.

Respond to that niggling feeling that something just isn’t right. Confirm whether anything serious is happening and be able to take action with documented evidence.

We’ll trace transactions back to their source, examine processes in theory and practice, checking veracity of data back to third party documents. If there’s a problem, we’ll establish when it started, who’s involved, how it’s happening and the value of the transactions involved.

Our findings will be presented in written format, with recommendations on improvements to procedures and/or safeguards that could be put in place.