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No Fuss On Demand

Xero Training

We offer 100% bespoke Xero training for any user experience level.

If you’re new to Xero, we’ll show you the basics and focus on how you’re likely to use Xero.

If you’ve been using Xero for a while, come to us with a list and we’ll work through it!

Hubdoc Training

Hubdoc comes for free as part of your Xero subscription - ever wondered how to use it?

In our personalised training sessions, we’ll show you how to use Hubdoc and give some tips for best practice setup. We’ll also give you a heads up on some things to look out for and how best to use Xero and Hubdoc together.


If you prefer phone support to web support, this is for you.

Subscribe to our 0800 XEROHELP support service and you’ll have unlimited phone support from 10am to 4pm every business day.

Short Term Cover

Everyone takes holidays, right? If your bookkeeping or payroll person is taking some leave, talk to us.

We can cover their bookkeeping and / or payroll work while they’re away, so you don’t miss a beat.